Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter Science

Arielle (mommy):  Before deciding what exactly to teach Lil and O about winter, I asked Lik questions to figure out how much she already knows.  She was able to describe the weather in winter, the activities people might do outside, and the clothing we should wear.  As we talked about winter, I worked with O in practicing to say winter words.

Lil told be that in the winter it is so cold it snows instead of rains.  This seemed to lead to a science experiment about freezing water.  I asked her what would happen to a cup of water if we put it in the freezer, she quickly said it would freeze.  So I decided to make it a bit more complex by having her freeze hot water and cold water and observe the changes.

We created a visual to show her predictions.  She thought the cold water would freeze first and the hot water would freeze later.

While we waited for the water to freeze we watched the brainpop jr video clip about winter (this clip is free right now).

O and I read a winter cloth book to get him involved too.

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