Monday, August 26, 2013

Science: Sense of Hearing

Arielle (mommy):
To begin learning about our sense of hearing, I gave Lil and O a variety of instruments to play with so they could hear all the different types of sounds during and unstructured time.

For our next activity I found a sound bingo game (with printable cards and sounds to download).  Before we played the game, I had Lil name all the objects on her card and try to make the sounds they make.  I told her to listen for those sounds.  She had fun deciding whether or not she had each sound on her card.  

Cynthia (Nanny): 
To start our sense of sound week, we took a sound walk around the house looking for things that made sound. As we walked, I explained that our ears help us hear all different kinds of sounds. We  heard a few sounds downstairs like the washing machine and air conditioner but headed upstairs to explore their room. The girls quickly ran to their play drum and tambourine and began to tap them. I asked what else they could find to make sound or music and they were able to locate other toys that made noise. Today, was more of an exploratory time to get them thinking about sound. Tomorrow we will apply what we learned about sound.

Even more sound:

Cynthia (nanny):
This idea came to me as we were putting three animals away. I got the idea to use the animal toys to play a sound guessing game. 

I placed the animals in a brown paper bag and modeled how to to reach in and squeeze the toy without pulling out completely out of the bag so that we could hear the sound and guess which animal we were holding. The girls enjoyed this game and played twice.

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