Friday, September 27, 2013

5 Senses Review: Day 5

Arielle (mommy):  To wrap up our final day of the 5 senses we watched a few youtube kids' music videos for 5 senses, there are several.

We made a smoothie with strawberries, bananas, and juice.  I gave each child a plastic lettuce knife used for lettuce cutting, and sat them at the tab,e so they could cut the fruits themselves.  Bananas are a great fruit for little ones to cut and they can even use a plastic butter knife.  This was a great activity.  It was very hands on, s they used their sense of touch, the blender is loud, so that took care do hearing, they needed to use their sense of sight so they could see what they were doing, and they enjoyed using their sense of taste and smell  when they ate the smoothies.  

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