Monday, September 30, 2013

Letter R


Today to learn about the letter Rr we talked about the letter r, it's sound, and created the next page in our ABC book. 

Then the girls traced the letter Rr with they're finger and saying things like "down. Up. Over. Line down." as they traced. After tracing the letters, they used dot painters to practice the letter r formation. I can tell their hand-eye coordination is getting so much better based on how they were able to stay on the lines and start at the top.

Arielle (mommy):

Introduction:  To introduce the letter R we looked at our letter and picture cards as usual, then I got out a dry erase letter workbook.  Lil had to circle the objects that begin with R and then practice writing the letter.

Writing practice: To learn the proper letter formations of R and r, I wrote the letters on a paper, then had Lil trace the letters with glue.  This was a great oportuinity for her not only to practice the letter formation, but also controlling the muscles in her hands to get the right amount of glue out.  As a bonus, I let her shake glitter over the finished letters.

Craft:  R dressed up like a rabbit.

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