Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall: Pumpkin life Cycle

Arielle (mommy):
Today we got scientific with pumpkins.  We watched a short youtube video about how pumpkins grow, and then we created a fun craft about the life cycle of pumpkins.

To prep:
I folded 1 peice of orange construction paper in half, then cut it into a pumpkin shap, leaving the fold in tact.  I wrote "Pumpkin Life Cycle" on the pocket.

I cut one side of the pumpkin in half and glued down the side to create a pocket.

I cut out a small green rectangle and glued it behind my pumpkin pocket.

I cut a 2 foot long peice of yarn and added tape to one end, the other end I taped inside the pocket of the pumpkin.

I cut out 6 white construction paper circles and punched holes to the top and bottom of each one.

With Lil:
After discussing how a pumpkin grows we went step by step, I asked her what you first plant in the ground, she said "seed" and then I had her draw a seed on one circle.  Then I wrote the word on it.  We went step by step that way until we got to our last step (ripe pumpkin) and she drew an orange pumpkin.  After she drew all the pictures and I labeled them, I had her place the steps in order.  Then she wrote numbers 1-6 on the circular cards.  After that it was time to thread the cards onto the "vine."  We placed a peice of tape in the yarn behind each circle to hold it in place.  

This activity was really great because it pretty much hit all the "instructional" areas. 

Fine motor: threading the yarn, putting on tape
Sequencing: putting the steps in order
Science: learning how a pumpkin grows
Numbers: labeling the cards with numbers
Early literacy: labeling the cards whit words
Art: drawing each stage

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